Apply to change school during the academic year (in-year transfer)

Considerations when making an in-year application

Will my new address be used when I make the application?

We only use your new address once you have provided evidence that you and your child are living in your new home. We will use your old address for allocation purposes until we have received this evidence. If we cannot offer a place at your preferred schools and you have not yet moved, we will not allocate a school until we are satisfied that you have moved into Buckinghamshire.

Will my child be offered a place at one of my preferred schools?

Many Buckinghamshire schools are already full, so it may not be possible to offer a place at your preferred schools.

Will all my children be offered the same school?

For families with more than one child, it can be extremely difficult to allocate a place for all the children in the same school.

The result of an in-year application may be that siblings have to be split across two or more schools. In order to keep the children together, we may only be able to allocate a school which is not your preferred school and which may be some distance away from the home address.

Applications for Year 10 and Year 11

Think carefully before choosing to disrupt your child’s GCSE’s by requiring a school move part-way through this crucial part of their education.

By the start of Year 10, many schools will have already set their GCSE options for their students so your child may not be able to study their preferred options, even if a place can be offered.

Fair Access Protocol

We have a Fair Access Protocol which ensures that vulnerable groups of children can quickly access school places.