Help users complete a series of tasks in a logical order

Step by step template

When to use this template

This template helps users follow steps to complete a series of related tasks where:

  • they need several pieces of information or guidance in order to complete a task
  • there is a specific start and end point for the user journey
  • it's helpful for users to complete tasks in a specific order

This template uses visual assets (such as accordions and lines) and numbering to show users where they are in their journey.

When not to use this template

Don't use this template when:

  • the user only needs to read guidance and not take an action
  • users might find it more helpful to complete tasks in a different order or where there is no logical order
  • users don't need to complete all of the tasks - for example, when you're presenting the user with a series of options
  • you are sharing a policy or strategy

Choose a different content template

How it works

The step by step navigation takes the user through a series of numbered tasks in a specific order and acts as a checklist. Users can see the whole journey before they start. Step by step navigation can be completed in one go, or require the user to return at different times.

Each step could include:

  • guidance from different council services and external agencies
  • links to other tasks they must complete before they continue the step by step journey
  • both online and offline actions

The template uses headings and the detail component to explain each step. Sidebar navigation shows the users which step by step journey the page is part of.

Writing good titles and headings

Elements of step by step navigation


A short statement to tell the user what the step by step will help them do. You can also use this to tell users that the step by step might not be relevant to them. For example, when there is a different process for users in different age groups.

Users won't see this introduction in each step, so don't include anything that they might need to know in a later step.


A step is a task or group of tasks that a user can complete as part of the journey. They appear in the template as numbered sections. The user can click on a step to expand it and see more detail about what that step involves.


A task is:

  • an action the user needs to take
  • a piece of content the user needs to read to help them complete a step

Tasks appear as a single link or a list of links. The user can complete each task in a step in one go or over several visits.

Order steps according to user needs

List steps and tasks in the order users need to complete them.

If there is not a set order, list them in a way that helps the user.

For example, when applying for a school place for their child, many people want to learn about transport options before they make an application. They don't need to do this before they apply but it can help them to choose a school. Your user research will help you understand which order is most helpful for users.

Creating content around user needs (GOV.UK)

Text within a step

Only include text in the step if it gives:

  • context that the user needs before they click on the link
  • the conditions the user needs to meet to complete the task, such as a minimum age

Guidance on using step by step navigation (GOV.UK)

Help and support

Contact the webteam via ServiceNow if you need to:

  • ask a question
  • get help with writing content
  • get help to choose content template
  • make a suggestion for something we need to include in this guidance

You can find more guidance on writing content in the content design resources in the GOV.UK Service Manual.