Help users find a place or venue
This page explains how to use the:
- location index
- location page template
When to use these templates
The location page template is a child page of a location index.
Use the location index to help users find a place, such as a library or leisure centre, from a list of similar places.
Use the location page to give users more information about the place they've chosen from the list.
Location index
The location index is populated from its child pages. It includes:
- a map showing all of the places listed in the child pages
- a bulleted list of places
You can add:
- text into custom pop-ups over the location points on the map
- a title
- an introduction

Location page
Add child pages to the location index to create your location pages.
The location page template shows the chosen location on a map. Add an address in the template to create a pin on the map.
You can also add:
- an image, such as the front of the place or venue to help users recognise it
- location address
- contact details (telephone and email)
- some body copy or components, such as a list of facilities or a table of opening times

How it works
Watch this demo of the location page template to find out how to:
- create a new page
- add a location to the map component
- add contact information
- add other details about the place
- add a title and description to a location index
The page template includes custom fields to add address, telephone and email contact information. Always follow our style guide when formatting telephone numbers and email addresses.
Formatting opening times
Where possible, include opening times of the place or venue. You should format these using a table. Only use the table to present days and times. If you need to explain the information in the table, do this in the body copy. For example, if the venue is closed on bank holidays.
List days of the week in the first column.
List opening times in the second column.
Use ‘to’ in time ranges, not hyphens, en rules or em dashes: 10am to 11am (not 10-11am)
Use the following styles for times:
- 5:30pm (not 1730hrs)
- midnight (not 00:00)
- midday (not 12 noon, noon or 12pm)
- 6 hours 30 minutes

Example of a list of facilities and table of opening times
Help and support
Contact the webteam via ServiceNow if you need to:
- ask a question
- get help with using content templates
- make a suggestion for something we need to include in this guidance
You can find more guidance on writing content in the content design resources in the GOV.UK Service Manual.