Reduced car park spaces in Aylesbury town centre

If you are visiting Walton Street Council Offices, the following car parks have reduced spaces; Waterside North and Exchange Street. Please allow extra time if you are travelling by car to an appointment or ceremony.

Holtspur Cemetery Regulations


All visitors must conduct themselves in a quiet and orderly manner.

  • no children under 12 will be admitted except under the care of a responsible adult.
  • all visitors to the cemetery must keep to the roads and footpaths, except while visiting a grave.
  • dogs must be kept on the lead at all times
  • bicycles are not permitted
  • the manager has the right to forbid the entry of any unauthorised hearse, coach or other vehicle into the cemetery.

The Cemetery Officer has full power to exclude or remove any member of the public at their discretion.

It is an offence for a person to wilfully:

  • create any disturbance in the Cemetery
  • commit any nuisance in the Cemetery
  • interfere with any burial taking place in the Cemetery
  • interfere with any grave, vault, tombstone or other memorial, or any flowers or plants in any such manner
  • play any game or sport in the Cemetery
  • enter or remain in the Cemetery when it is closed to the public (unless authorised by the council to do so)

Persons who contravene these provisions shall be liable to prosecution.

The permission of the Cemetery Officer shall be obtained before carrying out any photography in the Cemetery.

Burials and interments

Permission from the council and the owner of the grave must be obtained before any interment can proceed.

Cremated remains must be placed below ground in a biodegradable casket, for example wood or cardboard; no plastic or metal containers are allowed.

Alternatively, they can be scattered under lawn turf.


Memorial Permits allow a memorial to be placed on a grave until the grave deed expires. If the memorial is more than 30 years old it should be given a thorough inspection by a qualified mason and a written report sent to the council.

Inscription and permit fees must be paid prior to the placing of any memorial.

Every memorial shall be kept in repair by the owner and remain at the sole risk of the owner at all times and without liability to the council. The council shall not be responsible for any damage that may occur to the same.

Applications for permission to place a memorial must be accompanied by a description of the memorial and its inscription.

The council reserves right without giving any notice to:

  • remove any memorial which is not being maintained to the satisfaction of the council or is likely to cause a danger to the public or persons working in the cemetery
  • remove any memorial or alter its position, if such a course appears to the council to be desirable, in order to preserve the amenities of the cemetery
  • remove and replace any grave memorial so that the opening of a grave may be facilitated

In the event of the exercise by the council of the rights reserved to them by the above, any expense incurred shall be recoverable from the owner.


A memorial permit needs to be obtained from the cemeteries office before a tablet or headstone can be placed

No headstones shall exceed the height of 4ft or the width of 2ft 6ins.

The maximum size of a kerb surround shall be 6ft 6ins x 2ft 6ins.

Headstones must be safely and securely fixed by a BRAMM (British Registry of Accredited Memorial Masons) registered mason.

A memorial permit is payable before placing a headstone.


A memorial permit needs to be obtained from the cemeteries office before a tablet or headstone can be placed

Tablets must not exceed 2ft x 2ft.

Tablets must be placed with their upper surface level with the surrounding ground and the tablet must have the grave number clearly marked on the top face near the lower right hand corner.

Integrated flower holders are not permitted.

Gravel or glass chippings must not be used.

Flowers and containers

Only fresh cut flowers may be placed on graves.

The following are not permitted:

  • artificial flowers
  • trees and bushes
  • jars
  • glasses
  • ornaments

Bedding plants or other small plants can be planted inside graves surrounded by kerbs (not on lawn areas at Parkside or Holtspur).

Aforementioned items that impede maintenance will be removed by the Council.


The council reserves the right to alter the position of grass paths at their discretion.