Reduced car park spaces in Aylesbury town centre

If you are visiting Walton Street Council Offices, the following car parks have reduced spaces; Waterside North and Exchange Street. Please allow extra time if you are travelling by car to an appointment or ceremony.

Request a baby loss certificate

The Government have recently announced the availability of a baby loss certificate to support parents who have experienced the loss of pregnancy before 24 weeks.

The voluntary scheme is designed to formally recognise the devastating loss of a baby during pregnancy.

Who can apply

The certificate is available for either parent to access following a loss under 24 weeks since 1 September 2018. Applicants must:

  • be at least 16 years of age
  • have been living in England at the time of the loss

If your pregnancy ends from 24 weeks onwards, you need to register a stillbirth instead.

About the certificate

The certificate is an official but not legal document.

The Government will look to expand eligibility for certificates pre-dating September 2018 as soon as they can.

Request a certificate

You can request a baby loss certificate on the website

Request a baby loss certificate