7-11s Group Report: 26th October 2022

The Adoption Team’s Young People’s Group is a chance for adopted young people to meet and get to know one another while sharing their voices. The sessions include fun activities, thoughtful discussions where young people can share experiences, and opportunities to help shape services and improve things for adopted young people. Young people that attend can be supported with topics such as relationships, mental and emotional well-being, and adoption-related issues. It is equally focussed on providing a space for young people to get on with one another and make relationships with peers in a supported environment. The groups meet 3-4 times a year, and we are delighted to share the following feedback about our most recent session.
7-11s Group Report
26th October 2022, 10-12pm
Aston Clinton Guide Hall
Who attended?
10 children, from adoptive placements
What went well?
- The venue worked well – it was clean, safe, and spacious and the outdoor area was safe and a good size.
- The children came in and settled into playing quickly and we were blown away by the kindness and warmth shown by all children, and how fast they started building relationships and interacting with each other.
- The ratio of 5 staff to 10 children was necessary as some needed 1:1 support to engage and have fun.
- Lots of different activities (animal check-in, tie dye, t-shirt design, biscuit decorating, colouring, playdoh, balloon sheets, parachute games, and the pencil and ball game) meant that momentum was good and no one became bored.
- Team building games that supported building relationships and getting everyone engaged.
- All children were happy to provide feedback at the end
What could we do better?
- Parking was tricky at the venue and one parent said she struggled to pick up on time due to it.
- Reach more children so that the afternoon session also goes ahead.
- Possible team-building games that are more inviting to children that don’t enjoy busy activities
- Possible mindfulness activity
Did you enjoy the group?
Yes: 9
Have you made new friends?
Yes: 7
No: 1
Would you come again?
Yes: 9
Ideas for future sessions:
Football : 2
Hide and seek: 1
Hydrodipping: 2
Singing competition: 1
Bring a pet: 1
More games and more baking: 1
Shark versus lifeguards: 1
Lego and kinex: 1
According to aim balloons: on the whole, children don’t want to talk about worries or adoption but do want to make friends, have fun and try new things.