Blogs Heritage and Archaeology
Category: About Archaeology in Buckinghamshire
The Grim's Ditch Virtual Tour
From 2019 – 2024 Buckinghamshire Council Archaeology Service (BCAS) worked with the Chilterns National Landscape on the Chalk, Cherries and Chairs project. In 2022, BCAS took over the project management of the sub project The Mystery of Grim’s Ditch.
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Planning Appeals Involving Heritage Assets
Planning appeals are essentially a process an applicant can take if they disagree with a refused planning decision, a condition added to a granted permission or if the Local Planning Authority (LPA) has not given a decision within the appropriate timeframe. Planning appeals are dealt with by the Planning Inspectorate, …
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Buckinghamshire's Local Heritage List
Our Local Heritage List Officer takes a brief look back over the creation of Buckinghamshire's Local Heritage List.
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Chalk Cherries and Chairs – Grim’s Ditch Geophysical Survey
The Chilterns National Landscape (a designated Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty) is a special landscape belonging to everyone, including all those who live, work or visit here and our future generations too.
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Windows in Historic Buildings
Are you considering replacing the windows in your home, but are unsure if you need planning permission? The type of property you have and the protection in place can affect whether or not you need to apply for planning permission.
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From Books to Barn Owls: My week of work experience
Work experience placements provide invaluable opportunities to gain hands-on experience in a workplace. Throughout the year, we offer a limited number of work experience placements. This blog is written by our recent participant, Year 10 student, Safia, and offers a glimpse into the diverse range of activities and projects they …
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Preserving the Past: The Art of Shopfronts and Signage in Historic Places
In the heart of our historic districts, shopfronts and signage play a pivotal role in maintaining the aesthetic integrity and cultural significance of our heritage. These elements are not merely functional aspects of commercial spaces; they are integral to the narrative of our towns and villages, telling stories of the …
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25th Anniversary Celebration: Young Archaeologists’ Club (YAC) - investing in our future
How do we engage with young people today to encourage the archaeologists and historians of the future? On television there are the popular “Horrible Histories” , “Digging for Britain” and there is even a “Peppa Pig goes to DigCamp”, although that does not follow archaeological standards!
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Excavations at Little Kimble, Buckinghamshire
In 2023 an archaeological excavation was carried out by Thames Valley Archaeological Services (TVAS) ahead of a new development of 45 residential units at Little Kimble on behalf of Cala Homes Ltd. This excavation revealed a wealth of finds and features from several time periods, the earliest feature being a …
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The Berryfields Roman Egg
Work doesn’t end when the archaeologists leave site. Post-excavation works, analysis and publication can take many years, and often research on sites, artefacts and themes carry on long after the site works are long finished. A good example is from Berryfields, a site to the west of Aylesbury, which was …
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