Jenson (9) and Frankie (7) spoke to us about what it is like to live in a fostering family

Jenson and Frankie’s parents, Dee and Charlie, are foster carers for Buckinghamshire Council. We spoke to them about their experience looking after Amelie, a 10-month-old little girl who came to live with the family at 9 weeks old. They have been supported by our fantastic Child and Family workers, Jackie and Lisa, who help them work through the emotions around fostering.
What have you done with the Sons and Daughters group?
We went to the Open Air Museum once and to the farm. The Open Air Museum was a little Roman Cottage all about history! We have made lots of new friends in the group whose families foster too.
What do you like to do with Lisa and Jackie, our Child and Family workers who come to see you?
Once they gave us a big piece of paper and asked us to draw a picture of us with Amelie, but we decided to draw a big picture of the family that might get Amelie and what we want them to have. We drew the toys she likes to play with and chew on, a bath for them to care for her, a cot for her to sleep in and other things to make her comfortable.
What do you think the best bit about fostering is?
I think the best bit is looking after children because I love looking after younger children! Last night I picked Amelie up and she fell asleep while I held her!
What did you think when your mum and dad told you they were going to start fostering?
We were really excited, but a bit nervous and worried. We didn’t know if the baby would like us much or cry a lot or how long she would stay with us. We were excited about the kids who would live with us but also about Sons and Daughters group to make new friends and go to new places. We were excited to make new friends outside of our school friends. No one in our classes at school foster and it’s nice to have friends whose families foster too.
Are there any bad bits about fostering?
I don’t think so, apart from that you have to be aware of your toys around babies! Especially Lego - we have trays of it and even when we try and give Amelie a big piece she goes for the small pieces.
What did you think when Amelie first came to live with you?
When she first came, she was so small she couldn’t even smile! It was the evening and we sat and held her and read her a book.
I was very excited, but I didn’t know she was going to grow to be so big! She was only nine weeks when she arrived and now, she is almost one. She can stand and crawl now and we have seen her grow a lot.
What do you like to do with Amelie?
We have done lots of special things with her and been to lots of special places. We took her Alton Towers and Conkers!
I like taking her swimming and taking her to places we have been before and that she hasn’t. We went on holiday to Cornwall with her too and she learnt to say ‘up’ in the car.
Why do you think fostering is so important?
I think it is important for the mums and dads who need a break. If Amelie didn’t live with us, she might not be able to go to the places we take her like Alton Towers!
My teacher asked me to speak in class about fostering and I always ask people when I meet them at the park or in a restaurant if they know what fostering is.
We asked Jenson and Frankie’s mum, Dee, how she has found the support offered by the Sons and Daughters group:
“As parents we think the Sons and Daughters group is a fantastic programme. Our boys have taken to fostering really well, but we are very aware that they are essentially having to share their parents with another child. It is great that they have this group to go to, to make them feel special and appreciated. Our boys always look forward to what the next exciting activity might be. We are very grateful the Sons and Daughters group exists.”
Find out more
If you’d like to chat with one of our foster carers on a one-to-one basis to hear what it’s really like to Foster with Bucks then please get in touch with us today by emailing us at [email protected]
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