Keep Hill Woods – a pathway to success!

Works to improve pathways in Keep Hill Wood to support walking, cycling, wheeling and horse riding are now complete. Photos of the completed improvements can be seen above.
In November 2024, we completed works to improve pathways in Keep Hill Woods to support walking, cycling, wheeling and horse riding. This has been achieved by adding permeable, smooth and durable surfacing to key pathways running from north to south and east to west, with the improvements fully funded by external funding sources. This includes S106 funding contributions that were secured from nearby development sites and an external grant secured from Active Travel England, which has enabled us to deliver more comprehensive improvements.
Buckinghamshire Council encourages active and sustainable travel, not only for the many physical and mental health benefits of active travel but also benefits including improved air quality, a smaller carbon footprint and greater community interaction.
The improved routes provide the local community and visitors to Keep Hill Wood with improved access for leisure and for journeys between Wycombe town centre, The Rye, new housing developments at Abbey Barn Park and Pine Trees, the local school Abbey View Primary Academy and neighbourhood facilities.
The improvements at Keep Hill Woods have been delivered in a way that is sensitive to the woodland setting, keeping tree loss to an absolute minimum and protecting tree roots. The improved path surfacing is made from a combination of recycled tyres, resin and stone. The surface is highly permeable (which means water can pass through into the soil underneath, rather than causing water to ‘run off’ and pool elsewhere), includes a light golden-coloured top dressing to soften the look within the woodland and has a rubber crumb texture, meaning it is soft for horses’ hooves but firm for walkers, those riding manual scooters or using mobility devices, and those cycling.
Where the pathways meet the neighbouring roads (at the northern and southern approaches into the woods), short stretches of solar stud lighting have been installed in the path surface to guide users. In 2025, we plan to make minor changes to the road crossing at Warren Wood Drive to support users moving between the woods and The Rye.
The delivery of this project is aligned with our Opportunity Bucks programme and wider plans, as set out in the High Wycombe Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP)and the Rights of Way Improvement Plan.
A big thank you to local residents for their cooperation whilst the improvement works were delivered, as well as to local partners including Chiltern Rangers, who have been involved in this project and maintain the woodland. We look forward to supporting the nearby Abbey View Primary Academy to encourage active travel as part of their wider school travel plan and supporting Chiltern Rangers and local stakeholders with tree planting in the area.

Staff and pupils from Abbey View Primary Academy with Buckinghamshire Council's Leader, Cabinet Member for Transport, local ward Members and officers.