Comment and view an alcohol or entertainment licence application
Search our public register for premises that have applied for a licence. Includes granted licences and how to make a comment, objection or petition on a new application
Apply for a temporary licence to serve or sell alcohol, provide late-night refreshment or put on regulated entertainment at a licensed or unlicensed premises
Apply for a premises licence to provide alcohol, entertainment or late night refreshment at your business
Apply for a personal licence to sell alcohol - what you need and how to apply
Search our public register for premises that have applied for a licence. Includes granted licences and how to make a comment, objection or petition on a new application
Apply to transfer, make minor variations or major variations to a premises or club premises licence
Our licencing policy statement
Apply for a certificate to provide entertainment or sell or supply alcohol in a private members club
Apply to vary or remove a designated premises supervisor
Report a unlicensed premises or a premises in breach of their licence conditions - includes information about requesting a formal review of a premises licence
Make a request to receive updates about a licensed property you have an interest in.
What you need to do to advertise a premise licence, provisional statement or club certificate
Our list of licensing conditions can help you when drafting your licence application
If you are applying for a licence to sell alcohol, there are a number of authorities that you will need to inform.