Advertising an alcohol or entertainment licence
Minor variations of licence
You'll need to advertise a minor variation application by placing a public notice on the outside of the premises.
There no requirement for a notice to be placed in a newspaper for a minor variation.
How long you need to advertise for
The notice on the premises must be displayed for at least 10 working days. This starts on the first working day after the day on which your application is accepted by us.
For example, if your application is accepted on a Friday then the start date of the 10 working day period will generally be the following Monday. If the day falls on a bank holiday, you must keep it displayed until the following day.
What to include
If you're making a change to a licence, you'll need to include the:
- proposed variations
- name of the applicant or club
- postal address of the premises or club premises or, if none, a description sufficient to identify the location and extent of the premises
- postal address and web address of the licensing authority and when the application may be inspected
- date by which an interested party or responsible authority may make representations
About the notice
The notice must comply with the requirements set out in the regulations and must be:
- at least A4 in size
- white in colour (not pale blue as required for a full variation/new application)
- printed legibly or typed in black ink in a font equal to or larger than 16
Download our template for a minor variation notice DOCX, 71KB
Where to display
You must display the notice prominently on the premises where it can be conveniently read from the outside by passers-by.
A notice must be displayed at least every 50 metres along the perimeter if it is next to or joins:
- the public highway
- a place accessible to the public for 100 metres in length
All notices must be displayed prominently at the premises to which it relates so that it can be read easily from the exterior of the premises.
Help advertising your application
If you need any help or support with advertising your application, contact the alcohol and entertainment licensing team.