Alcohol and entertainment licensing policy statement

Last updated: 24 January 2022

6. Appendix 2 - Scheme of delegation

Matter to be dealt with Sub committee Officer

Application for personal licence

If a police objection

If no objection made

Application for personal licence

with unspent convictions

All cases


Application for premises licence/club premises certificate

If a relevant representation made

If no relevant representation made

Application for provisional statement

If a relevant representation made

If no relevant representation made

Application to vary premises licence/club premises certificate

If a relevant representation made

If no relevant representation made

Application to vary designated premises supervisor

If a police objection

All other cases

Request to be removed as designated premises supervisor


All cases

Application for transfer of premises licence

If a police objection

All other cases

Applications for interim authorities

If a police objection

All other cases

Application to review premises licence/club premises certificate

All other cases


Decision on whether a representation is irrelevant frivolous vexatious etc


All cases

Decision to object when local authority is a consultee and not the relevant authority considering the application.

All cases


Determination of an objection to a temporary event notice

All cases


Determination of application to vary premises licence at community premises to include alternative licence condition

All cases


Determination of application to vary premises licence at community premises to include

alternative licence condition

If a police objection

All other cases

Decision whether to consult other responsible authorities on minor variation application


All cases

Determination of minor variation application


All cases

holding text