Apply for a personal alcohol licence

You need to get a personal alcohol licence if you:

You can only apply if you have not forfeited a personal licence in the last 5 years.

It costs £37 to apply for a licence.

Before you start

You should read our personal licence guidance notes.

Make sure you're aware of what to do if you're applying with a current conviction or offence.

How to apply

You must be 18 or over to apply.

During you application you'll be asked to upload:

Ensure you have these documents available before you begin.

You’ll be asked to register or log in to your account.

Apply now

Pay the fee

You'll need to pay a statutory fee of £37 to apply for a licence.

Do not send cash or cheques, we'll contact you for payment once we have verified your application.

After you apply

We'll issue your licence within a month of receiving your application. Your licence will not expire unless it is cancelled or revoked.

Contact the licensing team

If you need help making your application, contact the alcohol and entertainment licensing team.

Our privacy policy

We are the controller for the personal information we use about you. We're committed to protecting your privacy when you use our services.

The law requires us to give you details about how we use and protect your information, view our privacy information.