Comment and view an alcohol or entertainment licence application

Please note that representations cannot usually be made anonymously. This is because we need to understand how the person making the representation is likely to be affected if the licence application is granted. Refer to ‘representations and your personal details’ for further information.

See our Privacy Notice to see how we collect and use your personal information.

You can view or comment on applications for premises that have applied for an alcohol or entertainment licence.

You can also view existing granted licences.

There is a separate process to report a premises that is already licensed.

View the public register for Buckinghamshire Council

Our public register covers:

  • all current licences issued by Buckinghamshire Council
  • any pending licence applications

View the public register.

Legacy public registers

If you cannot find the information you need on the Buckinghamshire Council public register, you can search the public registers for the former Aylesbury Vale, Chiltern, South Bucks and Wycombe district areas instead.

View licence applications in the former district areas:

Aylesbury Vale


South Bucks


Other ways of viewing

Applications for a licence can also be seen:

  • via public notices, which will be displayed at or near any premises applying for the licence
  • in local newspapers

Before you begin

You can comment on new applications and changed to existing licences, but objections must relate to one or more of the licensing act objectives:

  • the prevention of crime and disorder
  • public safety
  • the prevention of public nuisance
  • to protect children from harm

Generally, anyone can comment on a licence application which is referred to as 'making a representation' under the Licensing Act 2003. Representations can be made both in support and in opposition to an application. Please note that only specific authorities can comment on applications to vary the designated premises supervisor named on the licence.

We'll reject representations if they are deemed repetitive, trivial, or submitted only to cause annoyance.

We must also reject representations based on matters other than the 4 licensing objectives. For example, we are not able to consider representations based on planning matters, moral objections and commercial demand or need.

Please note that it is an offence for anyone to knowingly or recklessly make a false statement in connection with an application. If convicted, the offence is subject to a maximum fine not exceeding level 5 on the standard scale.

Help viewing or commenting

If you need any help finding venue applications or making a comment, contact the alcohol and entertainment licensing team.