Transfer or change an alcohol licence

Major variations to an alcohol licence

A major (full variation) includes:

  • increasing the hours you sell alcohol
  • increasing the hours in which you provide regulated entertainment
  • introducing a new licensable activity or product


The fee for your application is based on the business rates charged for the premises.

Fees for licence transfer applicants
Business rate band Fee

A: £0 to £4,300


B: £4,301 to £33,000


C: £33,001 to £87,000


D: £87,001 to £125,000


E: £125,001 or more


For businesses in rates D and E, the fees will double if your premises is primarily used for the consumption of alcohol, such as a nightclub.

How to apply

Before you apply, you'll need:

  • a debit or credit card
  • a copy of your licence
Apply now

Advertising changes to your licence

Whether you make a minor or major change, you will need to advertise changes to your alcohol licence.