Apply for a house to house charity collection licence

You'll need a licence if you want to collect money or goods from someone's home for charity.

This includes collecting clothes for recycling or direct debit payment information.

There is no fee for the licence.

On 1 April 2024 we implemented a new policy that may affect your application. Before you apply, read our Charitable Collections Policy.

Who should apply

You must apply if you wish to collect money or other property from a person's property or business premises, where all (or some) of the proceeds are given to charity.

Fines if you do not get a licence

If you don’t get a licence before starting house-to-house collections you could face up to 6 months in prison or a fine of up to £1,000.

What you'll need

You'll need to confirm if:

  • you're applying as a business or individual
  • the collection will be donated to charity or not
  • the benefits of the collection benefit the organisation (or another organisation)
  • you've applied previously
  • you or someone associated has been convicted of a crime or offence

How to apply

Apply now on GOV.UK.

Apply now

House to house collection licences can be valid for anything up to 1 year.

If your application is denied

You should contact if your licence is denied.

Supply a return for a house collection

You must submit a returns form to us after the collection, showing:

  • the amount of money collected
  • a list of the collectors

Download and complete a charitable return form PDF, 319 KB

You can send the completed form by email to

Help with your application

If you need any help with your application, email