Apply for a Temporary Use Notice for gambling or betting

Temporary Use Notices (TUNs) allow holders of an operators licence to temporarily use a premises for providing gambling activities where there is no premises licence.

They can only be used to permit the provision of facilities for equal chance gaming. This is where the gaming is intended to produce a single winner (for example poker tournaments).

How to apply

You must submit your TUN no less than three months and one day before the day of your gambling event.

When you submit your TUN, you must notify the Police, the Gambling Commission and HM Revenues and Customs within 7 days. For contact details see responsible authorities.

To apply:

  1. Complete a Temporary Use Notice
  2. Pay a fee of £431 online
  3. Email your completed application form with premises plan to

Next steps

The Council will acknowledge receipt of your TUN in writing.

The Council, and any other party receiving notification of the TUN, may raise objection within 14 days.

A copy if the TUN must be prominently displayed on the premises whilst gambling activities take place.

If objections are raised

The applicant may agree to modify a TUN in response to modifications proposed in an objection. In this case the applicant is required to submit a new TUN. No fee will be charged for a resubmitted TUN and the 3 month time limit will not apply.

Where objections are raised and no modification is agreed, the Council must hold a hearing to consider the objections, unless all concerned parties agree that a hearing is unnecessary. The Council must then determine whether to issue a counter-notice which may mean that the TUN will:

  • not have effect
  • have effect only in respect of a specified activity
  • have effect only in respect of activity carried on during a specified period of time or at specified times of day
  • have effect subject to compliance with a specified condition

Following the hearing, the Council must give notice of its decision to the applicant and all parties originally notified of the TUN.

All proceedings in relation to the submission of a TUN must be completed within 6 weeks.

If no objections are raised

If no objections are received, the Council will return an endorsed copy of the TUN to the applicant.

Yearly limits

You can apply for more than one TUN in a 12 month period.

However, the same premises may not be the subject of a TUN for more than 21 days in any 12 month period.

Should this period be exceeded the Authority will issue a counter-notice that has the effect of stopping the TUN coming into effect. Failure to comply with the counter-notice will be an offence.

The person who gave a TUN may withdraw it at anytime either prior to, or during, the period of the notice. Any remaining days will not count towards the annual 21 day limit.

If your application is not successful

Applicants and other parties may appeal a decision of the licensing committee.

Appeals must be lodged within 21 days of the date the applicant was informed of the committee’s decision at the local Magistrates Court.

Making changes

The fee for making changes is £31.

To make changes to a TUN, contact

Replacement TUNs

A fee of £15 is due if you require a replacement copy of your TUN, due to theft/loss.

To request a replacement TUN, contact