Retail, Hospitality and Leisure Relief Scheme 2024/25
The 2024/2025 retail, hospitality and leisure business rates relief scheme will provide occupied retail, hospitality and leisure properties with a 75% relief up to a cash cap limit of £110,000 per business.
Ratepayers that occupy more than one property will be entitled to relief for each of their eligible properties up to the maximum £110,000 cash cap per business. No business rates payer should in any circumstances exceed this limit across all of their properties in England.
Your business could qualify for the award if it is an occupied non domestic rate properties that are wholly or mainly used as:
- shops, restaurants, cafes, drinking establishments, cinemas or live music venues
- for assembly or leisure, sports clubs, village halls, nightclubs, tourist attractions
- hotels, guesthouses, self-catering accommodation
How it's awarded
Buckinghamshire Council will, for the 2024/25 financial year:
- automatically award this relief to businesses that it does consider will be eligible for this scheme (if you received the previous 50% relief in 2022/23, you will automatically receive the 75% relief in 2023/24)
- withhold this relief where it is likely that the business ratepayer will breach the cash limit
- the Government have announced that from 1 April 2025 that RHL will be reduced to 40%. If you are currently in receipt of the 75% relief then the 40% relief will automatically be applied.
If you have received the award but are not eligible
You should notify us immediately if your business has automatically been awarded this relief but:
- you believe that it will breach the £110,000 cash cap limit
- your business will exceed the Small Amounts of Financial Assistance limit of £343,000 over 3 years (including 2024/25)
You can cancel the award online, so that we can withdraw the relief.
You only need to cancel the award for the current year. Any entitlement to previous years relief will automatically be assessed.
If you haven't received the award but believe you are eligible
If your business has not automatically been awarded this relief and you believe that it does meet the qualifying criteria, you can apply using the button below.
Ensure you read through the criteria and guidance on GOV.UK before applying.
You only need to make an application for the current financial year, we will automatically assess your eligibility for the previous years relief.