Pay your business rates
You can pay your business rates in:
- 10 monthly instalments
- 1 payment on 1 April
- 2 payments, the first on 1 April and the second on 1 September
You can also pay in 12 monthly instalments, but you must contact us to arrange this.
How to pay your business rates
You can pay by:
If you set up a Direct Debit, your business rates will be paid automatically from your bank or building society account.
To set up a Direct Debit you will need your business rates account number, which is printed on your bill.
You will also need your bank or building society:
- account number
- sort code
- branch address and postcode
You can pay your business rates online using a credit card or debit card.
To pay online by card you will need:
- your business rates account number, which is printed on your bill
- address and postcode
- payment amount as shown on your bill
You can pay your business rates online by transferring the money to us from your bank or building society account.
To do this you will need to log on to your online bank or building society account. To pay your business rates you will need:
- your payment reference, which is your business rates account number printed on your bill
- payment amount as shown on your bill
- our account name: Buckinghamshire Council
- our sort code: 20 74 38
- our account number: 030 967 50
For remittance advice, email [email protected].
Call our 24 hour automated line on 0345 034 8660 to pay your business rates by telephone.
You will need your:
- business rates account number, which is printed on your bill
- address and postcode
- payment amount as shown on your bill
Calls cost no more than dialling an 01 or 02 number.
To pay using a cheque or postal order by post:
- make your cheque or postal order payable to ‘Buckinghamshire Council’
- write your name, address and business rates account number on the back of your cheque or postal order (your business rates reference number is printed on your bill)
Post your cheque or postal order to:
Buckinghamshire Council, The Gateway, Gatehouse Road, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire HP19 8FF
Do not send cash, or debit or credit card details, through the post.
Contact the business rates team
If you have a question about rate relief that is not answered on this page, you can contact us for help.