Buckinghamshire Growth Board
The Buckinghamshire Growth Board is a partnership of key public and private sectors, providing the forum for:
- addressing inequality
- supporting regeneration
- supporting economic and skills growth
- effective collaborative thinking
The Growth Board is also the overarching strategic board for Buckinghamshire that sets the vision and overall strategy and has oversight of the accountability resting with it.
The Board ensures the alignment and understanding of Buckinghamshire’s plans:
- spatial
- economic
- environmental
- climate change
- health and wellbeing
- connectivity
- infrastructure
The Board will facilitate the development of Buckinghamshire’s strategic place-based initiatives and provide a single point of reference for engagement with the UK Government on local and regional challenges and opportunities. Its core membership includes:
- Buckinghamshire Council
- Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust
- Buckinghamshire Business First
- UK Government Representatives
- chairs of sub-boards
Supporting this board are a series of themed sub-boards:
Aims to provide an economic function to support the Growth Board and will establish and manage a Pooled Investment Fund.
(The board is currently called the Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) Board).
The Opportunity Bucks Board aims to drive the development and delivery of a Levelling Up programme of work for Buckinghamshire.
Supports place-based economic growth through the development of a more effective post-16 technical education, skills and employability ecosystem to meet current and future workforce needs.
Supports place-based economic growth through strategically targeted regeneration in Buckinghamshire’s town and villages.
Buckinghamshire's strategic vision for 2050
The Board has played a key role in overseeing the formulation of Buckinghamshire’s Strategic Vision for 2050, the development of the Buckinghamshire Recovery and Growth Proposition and has also helped in steering the Bucks UK Shared Prosperity Fund.
View more about our vision for Buckinghamshire for 2050.
A County Deal for Buckinghamshire
Central Government’s Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill introduced new devolution opportunities for local areas.
We are seeking a County Deal for Buckinghamshire to:
- seize opportunities to accelerate recovery
- provide investment for vital projects
- improve the delivery of important services
Our proposal seeks a devolved skills budget for Buckinghamshire, along with local delivery of national employment programmes to directly cater for communities and encourage growth across the county.
Recovery and growth proposal
The Buckinghamshire Growth Board has readied a recovery and growth proposal for central government.
This demonstrates how the cooperative effort of the Buckinghamshire Growth Board is beneficial to the county and we can build on this and achieve much more together.