7. Summary of Proposition Elements
- A Housing Investment Board with CPO, borrowing, funding and permitted development land, freedoms and powers
- A £100m Single Pot Housing Investment Fund
- A county wide approach to public land
High Tech Sectors
- A £400m Single Pot Investment Fund
- Ability to extend Enterprise Zones
- Pilot area for NHS investment in digital applications
- Principles of an Enterprise Zone or freeport in South Buckinghamshire
- Devolution of Adult Education Budget
- Work with government to streamline the approach for local delivery of national employment programmes
- Devolution of Apprenticeship Levy
- A county wide Apprenticeship Training Agency with a Buckinghamshire Skills Fund
- Pilot agreement with DWP and across government on shared data to assist employment support and job matching
- A £60m Digital Infrastructure Investment Fund
- Pilot traffic powers at the local level
- County wide bus regulation
- Fund and statutory status for England’s Economic Heartland