GD002018 Litter Enforcement Campaign Hero Panel-01 - Copy

For Bucks Sake

To help protect our environment, we’re adopting new powers from Government to increase the Fixed Penalty Notice (FPN) charge for littering offences to £500 from 23 July 2024 with no discount for early payment.

We recognise that the vast majority of residents choose not to litter. Many residents pick up litter and support enforcement actions against littering.

The principle aim of the ‘For Bucks Sake’ campaign is to reduce littering, including littering from vehicles, by highlighting that it is a criminal offence which we will enforce against.

Report littering from vehicles


Do you have evidence of someone littering from a vehicle?

Please report it and provide us with any photographic or video evidence which you may have been able to gather safely.

Report littering from vehicles

What's the penalty?


Fixed Penalty Notices

We issue FPNs at £500 for littering offences, including littering from vehicles.

Cases deemed more serious can result in a court prosecution and this includes where fixed penalties are left unpaid. The maximum fine on conviction at magistrates’ court is £2,500.

View more information on our littering enforcement policy.

The cost to taxpayers

The annual cost of littering to you as a Buckinghamshire Council taxpayer is estimated at £3.5 million to clean and dispose of littered waste safely.

For example, it costs £25,000 for each clearance of litter from the A404, Marlow By-pass. Residents are further inconvenienced by us having to slow and even close roads to be able to collect the litter.