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LGBTQ+ Adoption Week

Monday 3 March marks the start of LGBTQ+ Adoption week in partnership with New Family Social. Since April, 1 in 7 adopters approved with us were same-sex couples. And we're keen to welcome more adopters from all genders and sexualities. Whether you’re single, married or in a long-term relationship, we’ll support you on every step of your adoption journey, and beyond.

About LGBTQ+ Adoption Week

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Change Lives in '25

This year’s theme chosen by New Family Social (an adoption support charity led by LGBTQ+ people) is ‘Change Lives in '25’, calling on the LGBTQ+ community to think about how it could change lives in 2025.

In our experience, LGBTQ+ people are often open to adopting children who wait longer for their growing-up family – siblings, children with additional needs or from a different heritage, and older children.

This was the case for Sara and Geraldine, who recently adopted two primary-aged children.

Ryan and Ben have recently had Isabella placed with them, and shared how adoption has changed all their lives:

“Adoption is, without a doubt, the hardest, but best decision we’ve ever made. It has opened our eyes to the beauty in everyday moments, making everything feel a little brighter, a little more meaningful. Isabella has changed our world, and we wouldn’t have it any other way.

“For us as a gay couple, adoption was the natural choice for starting our family. We had love to give, and it made sense to share that with a child who needed it. While we briefly explored other options, none felt as right for us as adoption did.

“Adoption adds a filter to your life that makes everything feel brighter, happier and more positive. Parenthood ignites emotions inside you that you never knew existed, deepening your sense of love and purpose. Few things put everyday worries into perspective like the responsibility of caring for an innocent child. In return, you receive life’s greatest reward - the chance to see the world anew through your child’s eyes and to gift them with the love and security every child deserves.”

Adoption Information Sessions

Online Lunchtime Information Session with LGBTQ+ guest

Whether you’ve been thinking about adopting for a while, or you’re just curious about what’s involved, our free and friendly information sessions are the perfect opportunity to find out more from the people who know, with no commitment.

Our online information session takes place from 1pm to 2pm on Tuesday 1 April, and we are joined by Claire, who adopted as part of a same-sex couple.

We will look into the lives of children, adopters and families involved throughout the process and offer an insight into the adoption process. You will also have the chance to ask any questions you have.

Ryan and Ben are in the process of adopting with us, and had this to say about the information session they attended:

“We found the information session helpful. It provided a strong and realistic introduction to what lay ahead - informative without feeling like a sales pitch. Meeting some of the team members was also a positive experience, knowing they would soon get to know us better than some of our own family.”

Get in touch

Alternatively contact us to:

  • ask questions about any stage of adoption,
  • book a one-to-one consultation with a social worker about adoption, or
  • ask how to get started with the adoption process

Contact us:

How we support your adoption journey

NFS New Family Social campaign

Our partnership with New Family Social

We are a member of New Family Social, a UK charity run by LGBTQ+ adopters and foster carers.

When you adopt with us, you get a gold membership to New Family Social. This gives you access to their online peer support forums as well as in-person and virtual events and webinars.

Adoption support

We will support you every step of your adoption journey and beyond. We can offer parenting advice and access to experts, support groups and an exclusive advice line. Find out more about the support we offer.

Here’s what Sarah and Geraldine had to say about some of the post-adoption support they received:

Connect with us on social media and try our readiness checker

We know it can take a long time to feel ready to start the adoption process. As well as hearing more at our Adoption Information Evening, why not follow our BucksAdoption Facebook page and BucksAdoption on X, and try our Adoption Readiness Checker to explore next steps towards adoption.

Adoption Readiness screenshot