Buckinghamshire Children and Young People 2019 to 2024 Partnership Plan
Our priorities
1. Keeping children and young people safe
- work with families to prevent children and young people coming into care
- when required, place children and young people in care to protect them from harm
- support carers to provide safe and loving homes for children and young people
- seek to prevent the exploitation of children and young people and help those affected
- seek to prevent domestic abuse and help those affected by it
- help children and young people to help themselves in their everyday lives
- work with families, children and young people to prevent accidents and keep them safe
2. Supporting children, young people, parents and carers to overcome their challenges
- support families to develop the skills they need to thrive and flourish
- ensure children, young people, parents and carers are able to find relevant information, advice and guidance in one place
- provide children and young people with someone or somewhere safe to talk
- work with young offenders to help them break the cycle of crime and repeat offending
- help parents and carers find appropriate childcare where needed
- help parents and carers prepare children for nursery, pre-school and school
- support all family members and carers with unexpected life changing events
- work with young people so they successfully move into further education, training, apprenticeships or work
3. Improving children and young people’s health and wellbeing
- educate parents, carers and staff to better understand child and adolescent development
- ensure access to high quality health services
- work with children, young people and their families to encourage healthy lifestyle choices
- help children, young people and their families to tackle and address issues around mental health
- provide opportunities for children and young people to access physical activities
4. Providing opportunities for children and young people to meet their full potential
- promote the benefits of learning through play
- raise the educational achievement of all children and young people in early years settings and schools, with a particular focus on those who are under-performing
- support children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities to achieve their full potential through education, social activities, volunteering and paid employment
- encourage and support communities to play an active role in their local schools and early years settings
- work with schools and early years settings to further develop good practice in the use of pupil premium and other approaches to narrowing the gap in educational achievement
- equip young people with the skills and knowledge they need to become independent
- encourage children and young people to make positive changes to the environment