Online forms unavailable

Some of our online forms are unavailable at the moment due to a technical problem. We are looking into this urgently and apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Buckinghamshire Education and Skills Strategy 2018 to 2022

What's important to our children and young people?

Rules and expectations are made clear and applied consistently to everyone.

I get access to good information and advice on what opportunities are available when I finish 6th form and college.

My course leads to a good job.

I get a good careers education and the opportunity to gain skills I will need in the workplace.

I am helped to achieve the best results I can.

I feel happy and safe.

I feel I can reach my full potential.

I learn lots of different subjects.

I know who to turn to when I need help and support.

Pupils with additional needs have excellent support.

Everyone is supported and encouraged.