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Corporate Parenting Strategy 2020 to 2023

Last updated: 17 May 2022

2. Commitment and vision

This strategy sets out our commitment, explaining how we will be an effective and trustworthy corporate parent for any child or young person who is in our care.

We will also ensure our young people receive good-quality advice and support when they leave care. The offer of support to care leavers will be transparent and shared with all young people before they leave care as part of their care planning.

Every good parent knows that children need a safe and secure environment in which to grow and thrive. Parents protect and support their children against the dangers and risks of life. Parents are ambitious for them and want them to reach their full potential.

Parents celebrate and share their children’s achievements. A good parent is also a good listener responding positively to what their children say. A child who is cared for by the council has the right to expect everything from a corporate parent that would be expected from a good parent.

Our pledge sets out our commitment to children in care and care leavers, we will:

  • provide you with a safe home to live in, where you feel happy and well cared for
  • work with you and your school/ teachers so that you can do your best. We shall praise and reward you when you work hard
  • help to keep you healthy and feel well
  • listen to what you have to say and how you feel when we are making decisions
  • believe in you

To deliver this we will preface our thinking, planning and decision making with the question ‘if this was my child would this be good enough?’ We are committed to:

  • knowing our children - their needs, talents and aspirations, and promote their interests.
  • having high aspirations for their future and expecting the best for and from them.
  • taking an interest in their successes and problems and celebrating their achievements.
  • encouraging young people to express their views, listening to them and ensuring these views influence practice, service and policy changes.
  • recognising, supporting and respecting their identity.
  • promoting and supporting high academic and vocational achievement.
  • supporting their physical health, mental health, emotional wellbeing and resilience through access to the right services at the right time.
  • supporting their transition to adulthood by promoting economic prospects and preparing them to become responsible citizens.
  • helping young people to be safe and achieve stability in their home lives, relationships and education or work.
  • ensuring that children and young people leaving our care will stay in close contact with their previous carers as part of our ‘Staying Close’ duty.