Fostering perks: Terms and conditions

Last updated: 10 May 2024

Enhanced waste collection

Who's eligible

Foster carers are eligible if:

  • they have been approved as a Foster Carer by Buckinghamshire Council (they're eligible from the Buckinghamshire Council agency decision date)
  • they have taken their first child in care
  • their main residence, where the foster child/children live, is in Buckinghamshire.

Eligibility for the offer will be reviewed at the end of each financial year and is at the discretion of the council.

Who's not eligible

Foster Carers are not eligible if:

  • they're an approved foster carer but have not taken a child in care
  • they have retired, or resigned as a foster carer
  • they become subject to an open standard of care investigation
  • the council have deregistered the foster carer from Buckinghamshire Council (even if they make a successful appeal against the decision)
  • their main residence, where foster children live, is outside of Buckinghamshire

If you deregister, retire or resign

Larger bins will be exchanged for standard size bins and garden waste bins will be collected unless a subscription is paid for at the cost of the recipient.


Renewals of garden waste subscriptions must be requested via the Customer Relations Team at [email protected], not via the Buckinghamshire Council website.