Buckinghamshire Council Care Leavers: Our Local Offer
We will support you to access suitable accommodation to meet your needs and we will work with you to achieve the most independent accommodation that will meet your needs.
If you are not assessed as ready for living independently, we can support you to stay in supported accommodation where you can learn the skills you will need to manage on your own in the future and support you to feel more confident in your abilities.
We can advise you on social housing, private renting, home ownership and shared ownership schemes.
If you are able to demonstrate an ability to live independently in terms of your money management skills, your cooking, cleaning, safety and level of responsibility, we can assist you to make an application for social housing within Buckinghamshire until the age of 25. Please note this offer will not be available if you return home to your family for more than 6 months.
We want to give you the best possible chance of being successful in your own tenancy. We will therefore advise you about the things you will need to do when you have your own home. We support you with setting up your home and we can refer you to the council’s recommended housing support provider if you would like this for more intensive support when you first move in.
If you want to live outside of Buckinghamshire or in shared accommodation, we can support you to access rent deposit schemes or look at other funding that may be available.
We will:
- support you with suitable luggage to move home with
- provide practical support with moving home and settling in
- help you to claim benefits towards your housing costs if you are over the age of 18 and not working or on a low income
We can refer you for specialist support and assistance when you first move into your own tenancy.