Buckinghamshire Council Care Leavers: Our Local Offer
Developing relationships, making friends and living in the community
Making good relationships is really important. It helps you to feel secure, feel well, have fun and to be an active member of your community. We are always happy to talk to you about this and we can:
- help you to maintain or regain contact with those people who are important to you
- provide you with opportunities through the ‘We Do Care’ network to develop friendships with other care experienced adults and have your say in improving our Care Leaving Services
- provide information about the Rees foundation and Catch 22 who provide a lot of useful resources for care experienced adults
- provide information on groups and clubs you could join
- help you enrol on the ‘Electoral Register’, so you can vote and get your voice heard
- inform you about voluntary work that might interest you
- provide you with a mentor/peer mentor to support you in making choices
- inform you about awards, schemes, and competitions to enter, making best use of your talents and interests.
- support you to join our participation team to help interview for new staff and shape the future of the leaving care service
- support you to look into activities in your local area via the Buckinghamshire Family Information Service directory