Help and support if you’ve recently arrived from Ukraine

Last updated: 12 April 2022

19. Help with babies and young children

Finding childcare

There is a list on the Family information service website. Type the postcode in the ‘Where’ box to find those nearest to you.

If you phone 01296 38 7000/7111 a member of the team will try to help you. You can email them on [email protected] or you can complete the online form to ask for help Apply for some help finding childcare

Are there different types of childcare?

You can choose to send your child to a:

  • Day nursery which provides care for children from birth to 5 years old all year
  • Childminder who provides care in their home
  • Pre-school which usually provides care for children between 2 and 5 years old during ‘term-time’
  • School nursery which usually provides care for children between 2 and 5 years old during ‘term-time’

Term-time means the weeks that schools and pre-schools are open:

  • Spring Term - January to March
  • Summer term - April to July
  • Autumn term - September to December
  • Schools and pre-schools are closed for 1 week in February, May and October
  • 2 weeks in April and December
  • 6 weeks from mid-July until the end of August

How do they pay?

If you are an asylum seeker you will not have to pay for your child to attend for up to 15 hours each week from just after they are 2 until they go to school.

The nursery, pre-school or childminder will let you know what their fees are for any additional hours your child attends.

What about education for my young child?

All the childcare providers - nurseries, pre-schools and childminders follow the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) curriculum. This provides age appropriate play and experiences for children aged from birth to 5.

If your child is 2

You must get a funding code as not all 2 year olds are funded, but as an asylum seeker you are eligible. You can get a code by applying online 2 year old Early Years Education online application or by phoning the team on 01296 387 000 or 01296 384 111 and they will fill the form in with you over the phone.

If your child is 3 or 4

The nursery, pre-school or childminder you have chosen will give you a form to complete so they can have a funded place.2?

There are family centres across Buckinghamshire which provide play sessions for parents to attend with their child. There is a list on the Family information service website. If you select the name of a family centre on the list it will give you more details and a timetable of play sessions you can attend.

Other information

The Family information service website also has information about other activities for families including toddler groups and holiday activities.

There is also information about advice and support, information for children with special educational needs and information for school aged children and young people.