Community Boards
Working together: local voices, local choices, local action
Community Boards bring the council, groups, organisations and local people together. Their aim is to look at local issues and find ways of improving them together.
Community Boards listen and respond to local needs.
Community Boards:
- represent the voice of local people
- capture thoughts, ideas and suggestions
- bring together key community partners and residents
- identify local needs and work to produce creative solutions
View the Terms of Reference for the Community Boards (DOCX, 36.3 KB).
Community Board priorities
Community Boards collaborate with local partners to address the Community Board local priorities. This can be delivered through engagement, networking, sharing knowledge and through the delivery of local projects
The boards use local data, intelligence and the views of the community to identify key areas of focus and priorities for the board to take forward.
These priorities will help to:
- determine where the Boards take action
- allocate funding for projects to improve the local area
The boards come together formally 2 to 3 times per year to report on how they have addressed their priorities.
View our Community Boards Annual Report 2025 (PDF, 7.96 MB)
Community Board Chairmen and Managers
Each board is supported by a dedicated Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Community Board Manager. They make links with people in the local community to make sure information is shared and local views and ideas are heard.
They will develop working relationships with local people, groups and organisations to make sure they feel connected with the Boards and the Council.
Get involved
The ambition is for each Community Board to drive and deliver change for their local communities.
If you join your Community Board, you'll be able to have your say on issues that affect your area. How involved you become is up to you. We will:
- send you a regular newsletter
- invite you to our board meetings and events
- give you the opportunity to get involved with our action or task and finish groups
- let you know about local consultations
- share information on funding for communities
You can find your local Board and details of how to contact your Community Board Manager by searching for your local Community Board below or you can complete our online form to get involved.
Budget allocation
An annual budget is allocated to Community Boards from the Council’s Annual Revenue Budget which is approved by Full Council each year.
Each Community Board is set an allocated budget. The budget is used to support the delivery of each Board’s local priorities.
Opportunity Bucks- Ward Partnerships
In addition to Community Boards, residents living in some areas in Aylesbury, Chesham and High Wycombe are also invited to join their local Ward Partnership.
The Ward Partnerships have been developed to support the county’s Opportunity Bucks programme, giving residents from these wards a chance to help shape and improve outcomes and opportunities.
Request to setup free parking days at our car parks
Community Boards can request 2 free parking days at our car parks to support local events for each:
- area
- calendar year
View how to apply for free parking days.
This supports the Parking Strategy we adopted in February 2024.