Proud of Bucks Awards

The Proud of Bucks Awards celebrate Buckinghamshire’s communities that have demonstrated care, creativity and commitment towards their local areas. The awards recognise and applaud outstanding community contribution carried out by local volunteers.

Nominations close on Sunday 11 August 2024.

Nomination categories

Each of Buckinghamshire’s 16 Community Boards will be celebrating local volunteers in the following 3 categories:

  1. The Good Neighbour award - For an adult over age 21 who has made difference in their local community such as through neighbourhood schemes, supporting voluntary causes, befriending services.
  2. The Young Champion award - For a young person under 21 who has made a significant contribution towards their local community e.g.through volunteering, supporting a charitable cause, or championing their peers.
  3. The Outstanding Group award - Recognises and celebrates a voluntary group in the local area who has made a positive impact on their community such as delivering a service, championing a cohort of residents or supporting and enhancing local spaces.

Submit your nomination

Do you know an adult, young person or community group that deserves recognition for their contribution to your community?

Nominate them today using the online Proud of Bucks nomination form.

Nominate now