Community Action Days
Buckinghamshire Council is joining forces with local partners to help tackle your Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) concerns.
Our Community Action Days are being delivered under the council’s flagship ‘Opportunity Bucks’ programme, which aims to ensure that all Buckinghamshire residents have opportunities to succeed and flourish.
Local partners will be undertaking high visibility patrols, completing litter picks and responding to a range of community issues across our Opportunity Bucks wards.
Residents can meet to discuss local concerns with the following teams and partners:
- Neighbourhood Policing Team
- Neighbourhood Watch
- Be Healthy Bucks
- Healthwatch
- NHS and Buckinghamshire Council Public Health
- healthy start voucher scheme,
- health checks, and
- ‘Pump it Up’ blood pressure checks
- Maternity services
- Buckinghamshire Council services including:
- Community Safety
- ASB Team
- Waste Services
- Helping Hands
- Parking Services
- Street wardens
- Trading Standards
- Community Engagement
- Energy Doctor
- Early Years Team
- Youth Services
- Fairhive Homes Ltd
- Plus more
Dates of Community Action Days
The action days will also include:
- free refreshments
- a bouncy castle
- face painting
- activities for young people and children
Drop in and talk to our partners on our next Community Action Day:
- Wednesday 9 April, 11am to 3pm at The Ark Community Hub (previously The Avenue Methodist Church), 159 Rutland Ave, High Wycombe, HP 12 3JQ
- Wednesday 16 April, 11am to 3pm at Southcourt Family Centre Plus, Aylesbury College Campus, Oxford Road, Aylesbury, HP21 8PD
Contact the Community Safety team
If you have a question about the Community Action Days that is not answered on this page, contact the Community Safety team.