Crime reporting and protecting your community
Report a crime
Click the heading that describes what you want to do:
If you need emergency help or there is a situation that may become heated or violent, you should:
- telephone the police on 999
- contact 18000 if you are a textphone user
- text the police on 999 (but you must be registered for the emergencySMS service)
If you want to report a crime, but the situation is not an emergency, you should:
- telephone the police on 101
- make a report to the police online
- make a report at a police station (find your local police station)
- contact 18000 if you are a textphone user
If you want to report a crime, but you do not want to give your name, you can make an anonymous report by calling Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.
Contact the community safety team
If you have a question about reporting a crime that is not answered on this page, contact the community safety team.