Buckinghamshire Domestic Violence and Abuse Strategy 2021 to 2024

Last updated: 5 January 2022 Download the strategy (pdf, 1.2 MB)

4. Domestic abuse act

The Domestic Abuse Bill includes statutory definition of domestic abuse, raising awareness of domestic abuse and the requirement of monitoring local responses to domestic abuse.

Under Part 4 of the Domestic Abuse Act 2021 all councils are required to convene a Domestic Abuse Partnership Board, carry out a needs assessment, prepare and publish a relevant strategy from the assessment, commissioning support to victims of domestic abuse and their children within safe accommodation services in our area.

The newly established Buckinghamshire Domestic Abuse Board will oversee plans for compliance with the new duty and look to strengthen work linked to the wider support services available for all those affected by domestic abuse in Buckinghamshire.

The Board will help drive forward the 4 key strategic priorities through programmes of work that address gaps highlighted within the needs assessment and learn from partner agencies, survivor voices and from domestic homicide reviews so tragedies in future can be prevented.

An operational subgroup will be established to lead key deliverables. Progress will be regularly reported to the Buckinghamshire Domestic Abuse Board, who in turn will keep the Safer Buckinghamshire Board updated on outcomes and escalations.

The Domestic Abuse Board membership:

  • (Chair) Deputy Chief Executive Buckinghamshire Council and Chair Safer Buckinghamshire Board.
  • Member lead, Deputy Cabinet Member for Communities.
  • Representatives from the local authority including children’s, adults, public health, housing and community safety.
  • Charity and voluntary sector organisations.
  • Health care services.
  • Policing and criminal justice.
  • Liaison with survivors of domestic abuse (adult, young people and children) and current service users, focussing particularly on reflections of distance travelled.