Domestic abuse and violence against women and girls strategy 2024 to 2027

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Measuring progress

We will measure progress with:

  • a domestic abuse dashboard (updated and reviewed quarterly, and published as a bulletin)
  • regular surveys – to ensure we maintain an understanding of people’s perceptions, views, and experiences, and use them to inform future service design and delivery.
  • workforce data, for example progress on domestic abuse training
  • grant and contract monitoring data, that ensures funding assigned to projects and initiatives (in-house or commissioned) is delivering against stated aims and objectives
  • learning and insight from Domestic Homicide Reviews and other safeguarding reviews where domestic abuse was an aspect of the case

This strategy highlights our dedication to victims within Buckinghamshire and to those coming in from out of the county, ensuring those we support are safe, protected, and empowered to rebuild their lives.

Together we can achieve real, sustainable progress to tackle domestic abuse with Zero Tolerance. There’s no excuse.

  • Rachael Shimmin: Chief Executive, Buckinghamshire Council
  • Walter McCulloch: Chair Buckinghamshire Safeguarding Children Partnership & Buckinghamshire Safeguarding Adults Board
  • Angela Macpherson: Deputy Leader, Buckinghamshire Council Cabinet Member, Health & Wellbeing Chair, Health & Wellbeing Board
  • Craig McArdle: Corporate Director, Health and Adult Social Care Buckinghamshire Council, Safer Buckinghamshire Partnership and Buckinghamshire Domestic Abuse Partnership Board
  • John Macilwraith: Corporate Director, Children’s Services, Buckinghamshire Council
  • Neil Macdonald: Chief Executive, Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust