Domestic abuse and violence against women and girls strategy 2024 to 2027

domestic abuse and vawg image

Our strategic priorities

All the information and engagement above has been used to develop the following priorities. These priorities will form the foundation of the partnership’s response to Domestic Abuse and Violence Against Women and Girls.

The DA Partnership Boards' Delivery Plan will define the specific actions, which will be managed through the Board.

Priority 1: Challenge the systems that prevent victims of DA & VAWG getting the help they need, the way they want

Improving systems and processes to ensure they are easier for victims, survivors and their families to navigate.

  1. The needs of children and young people are met by quality specialist support.
  2. Housing support is a positive factor in giving victims and survivors safety and security.
  3. Victims and survivors only need to Tell Us Once when they contact any specialist agency.
  4. Buckinghamshire DA and VAWG services cater to the breadth of the Buckinghamshire community, including males, people from ethnic minority backgrounds, older people, LGBTQ+, disabled people and neurodivergent people
  5. The support offer for victims and survivors assessed as Standard Risk is robust and provides the right depth and quality of support.
  6. Support is available to families of victims of DA and VAWG (including children and young people) so they can better understand what has happened and be a source of support.
  7. All opportunities to provide financial and practical support to those fleeing abuse are understood and accessed.
  8. Partnership meetings designed to support victims, e.g. MARAC, Complex Case Panels, DHRs are supported fully by partners and function to a high level.
  9. Partners embrace a collaborative approach to providing services, maximising the resources available and providing reassurance to victims and professionals.
  10. Training offers, campaigns and communication is of the highest level for professionals ensuring that DA & VAWG is understood and remains a priority.

Priority 2: Perpetrators of DA and VAWG offences are prevented from causing further harm

Holding perpetrators to account and giving them the support they need to change behaviour.

  1. Perpetrators learn about their abusive behaviours and stop the cycle through participation on perpetrator programmes.
  2. Perpetrators have options for housing instead of returning to the family home.
  3. Resources are pooled with Serious Violence Leads on joint deliverables.
  4. Police tools are used to protect victims and distance perpetrators from the family home.
  5. Perpetrators are worked with at the point of arrest to change behaviour.
  6. Multiagency partners work with Police on nighttime economy operations around predatory behaviour and drink spiking.

Priority 3: Domestic abuse and violence against women and girls is tackled at the first opportunity or is stopped before it starts

Working to change harmful attitudes and behaviours and ensuring that domestic abuse and violence against women and girls can be disclosed at the earliest opportunity.

  1. Healthy relationships is taught in schools by teachers confident in the subject matter.
  2. The younger generations are educated and empowered to call out toxic masculinity.
  3. Victims are able to disclose domestic abuse and VAWG and receive support at school hubs.
  4. The public are able to voice concerns and reduce violence in the community.
  5. Those admitted to hospital in maternity and A&E services are given quality support if a disclosure is made or domestic abuse is suspected.
  6. The night-time economy is both perceived and is proven to be a safe place to enjoy.