Settling in Buckinghamshire: Information for Afghan migrants

A guide to accessing NHS healthcare

Medical emergencies

In a medical emergency, you can visit the Accident and Emergency (A&E) department at a hospital to be seen urgently by a doctor or nurse.

The local A&E departments are:

  • Stoke Mandeville Hospital Emergency Room,
    Mandeville Road,
    HP21 8AL
  • Milton Keynes University Hospital A&E,
    H8, Standing Way,
    Milton Keynes,
    MK6 5LD

If it is an extreme medical emergency call 999 and ask for an ambulance to take you to a hospital. This service is free of charge and should only be used in an emergency.

Extreme medical emergencies can include:

  • loss of consciousness
  • an acute confused state
  • fits that are not stopping
  • chest pain
  • breathing difficulties
  • severe bleeding that cannot be stopped
  • severe allergic reactions
  • severe burns or scalds

Register with a GP

GP's or General Practitioners are doctors that work in local surgeries to provide advice and help diagnose smaller medical issues (non-emergencies). Often they will prescribe medication for collection from a pharmacy or pass you onto a specialist at a hospital if needed.

To register with a GP surgery, you can visit the practice centre or telephone them, and reception staff will be happy to guide you through registering.

You may need proof of address and photographic identification but you can still receive care without it.

Find a local surgery and GP

Register at a dentist

You are entitled to NHS dentistry. Some treatments are offered at a reduced rate for NHS patients and some are free.

NHS dentistry is free when:

  • the treatment is minor (i.e. to remove stitches, stop bleeding in the mouth or repair dentures)
  • the patient is under the age of 18
  • the patient is under the age of 19 and in full-time education
  • the patient is pregnant or has had a baby in the last 12 months

Some dentists are private so you will have to pay their set prices. Some practices offer the option of both NHS and private dentistry.

Find your local dentist

Paying for prescriptions

Often your GP or hospital will send a prescription request for medication to a chosen pharmacy. When you go to collect the prescription you will be asked if you are eligible for free prescriptions or if you usually have to pay.

If you have to pay the full amount, the current cost of a prescription in England is £9.35. However, you may not have to pay due to age, income or medical exemption.

Find out if you can get free prescriptions