Discounts, exemptions and empty properties
Find out if you are eligible for a Council Tax discount or exemption and how to tell us about an empty property.
Set up or amend a Direct Debit and learn about other payment methods.
Let us know that you've moved in, within or out of Buckinghamshire, add a name to your bill or let us know a tenant has moved.
Sign up to view your account, manage your Direct Debit, change your details, apply for discounts and receive paperless bills.
Find out if you are eligible for a Council Tax discount or exemption and how to tell us about an empty property.
Find out what to do if you're struggling to pay your Council Tax and how we can help you avoid falling behind on payments.
Find out what to do with Council Tax if someone has passed away.
Find out what to do if you are struggling to pay or have missed a payment.
Find out what a Completion Notice is, when it is issued, what it means and how you can appeal.
If you have received a bill that shows a credit on your Council Tax account we can refund the money back to your bank account.
Find out how to challenge or appeal a Council Tax band, bill or decision.
How we spend your Council Tax and calculate your bill.
Let us know if you think someone might be claiming a Council Tax discount or exemption that they are not entitled to.
Help us reduce our carbon footprint by switching from paper billing to viewing your bills online.
Contact us about your Council Tax