Pay your Council Tax bill
If you've received a bill without a name, you will need to let us know that you've moved in before paying.
When to pay
Council Tax payments are due on the first day of the month as shown on your Council Tax bill, unless you pay by Direct Debit in which case there is a choice of date.
How much to pay
You should pay the full instalment amount due as shown on your bill or recovery notice. If the amount paid does not match the instalment due and you have a previous year's debt, then the amount paid will be allocated to clear the balance of the oldest debt first and not towards the current year's charge.
If you have a payment arrangement on a previous year then you will need to pay that amount separate to the current year instalment.
How to pay
Choose how you would like to pay your Council Tax bill to see more information:
Most people choose to pay by Direct Debit because it's a simple and flexible way to pay.
When you set up a Direct Debit, your Council Tax payment will be taken automatically from your bank account each month.
You can choose your payment date from:
- 1st
- 5th
- 10th
- 15th
- 20th
- 25th
To set up a Direct Debit you will need your Council Tax account number, which is printed on your bill.
You will also need your bank or building society:
- account number
- sort code
To pay your Council Tax online by debit card or credit card, you will need your:
- Council Tax reference number, which is printed on your bill
- address and postcode
- payment amount as shown on your bill
We are unable to accept payments from American Express credit cards.
You can pay your Council Tax online by transferring the money to us from your bank or building society account.
To do this you will need to log on to your online bank or building society account. To pay your Council Tax you will need:
- your payment reference, which is the Council Tax reference number printed on your bill
- payment amount as shown on your bill
- our account name: Buckinghamshire Council
- our sort code: 20 74 38
- our account number: 030 967 50
For remittance advice, email [email protected].
Call our 24 hour automated line on 0345 034 8660 to pay your Council Tax by telephone.
You will need your:
- Council Tax reference number, which is printed on your bill
- address and postcode
- payment amount as shown on your bill
Calls cost no more than dialling an 01 or 02 number.
Using the barcode printed on your Council Tax bill, you can pay by cash or debit card at any:
If your Council Tax bill does not have a barcode, contact us and we will send you one.
The date when your payment must reach us is printed on your bill.
By post
To pay using a cheque by post:
- make your cheque payable to ‘Buckinghamshire Council’
- write your name, address and Council Tax reference number on the back of your cheque (your Council Tax reference number is printed on your bill)
You can see the dates when payment must reach us on your bill.
Post your cheque to:
Buckinghamshire Council. Walton Street Offices, Walton Street, Aylesbury, HP20 1UA
Do not send cash, or debit or credit card details, through the post.
If you need a receipt for your payment, include a stamped, self addressed envelope with your payment.
In person
You can pay your Council Tax by cheque at:
- any Post Office
- your bank or building society
To pay at a Post Office, you will need the barcode printed on your Council Tax bill.
If your Council Tax bill does not have a barcode, contact us and we will send you one.
When paying at a Post Office, make your cheque payable to ‘Post Office Counters Ltd’.
Sign up for paperless billing
You can sign up for paperless billing in your online Council Tax account.
Spread out the cost of your Council Tax
Usually Council Tax is paid in 10 instalments throughout the year, however you can request to pay in 12 instalments instead.
This should spread out the cost of your annual Council Tax bill into 12 smaller, monthly payments.
Contact the Council Tax team
If you have a question about paying your Council Tax that is not answered on this page, you can contact us for help.