Apply for money off Council Tax if you have diplomatic privilege or immunity

You may be disregarded or exempt from Council Tax if you are liable for Council Tax and have been granted diplomatic privileges or immunity by the:

  • Diplomatic Privileges Act 1964
  • Commonwealth Secretarial Act 1966
  • Consular Relations Act 1968
  • Commonwealth Countries and Republic of Ireland (Immunity and Privileges) Order 1985

They could also be:

  • mentioned in relation to any organisation specified in an Order in Council made under the International Organisations Act 1968
  • the head of any office established under the Hong Kong Economic Trade Act 1966

The property must be your main residence.

Evidence required

You will need to submit confirmation from the relevant organisation that you have been granted the immunity or privileges.

Apply for an exemption

Apply by emailing [email protected] with your details and the evidence above.