Apply for money off Council Tax if you are a student

Find out if you can pay less Council Tax if you're a student.

Who is eligible

You may be eligible for a disregard or exemption if you are:

  • undertaking a full-time course at college or university in the United Kingdom
  • under 20 years old and in part-time or full-time education
  • a foreign language assistant who is registered with the Central Bureau for Educational Visits and are working at a school or educational establishment

Evidence required

As part of the application, you will need to tell us about all the occupiers of the address so we can decide whether a discount or exemption should apply.

You will also need to submit one of the below:

  • a student certificate
  • a confirmation letter from your school or college (if under 20 years old)

Apply for a discount

If you are a student or have a student living with you, complete our online form.

We require separate applications from each student.

Apply now

What happens next

We will assess your application to see if you are eligible for a discount or exemption.

Where everyone in a household is a full-time student, you will not have to pay any Council Tax.

Where only some of the household are full-time students, you may be able to get a discount on your Council Tax.