Apply for money off Council Tax if a resident is in prison or detained

Who is eligible

To qualify the person must be:

  • detained in prison or hospital by order of a court
  • detained under the Deportation Provisions of Immigration Act 1971
  • detained under the Mental Health Act 1983
  • imprisoned, detained or in custody for more than 48 hours under the Army Act 1955, the Air Force Act 1955 or the Naval Discipline Act 1957

Evidence required

When you apply, you will need to provide details such as:

  • the full name of the person being detained
  • where they are being detained (full address)
  • any identification number for the detained person (ie prison ID number)
  • the reason that they are detained
  • how long their sentence is for
  • the earliest possible release date

We may write to the facility where the person is being held to get confirmation that the discount applies.

Apply for money off Council Tax

If the dwelling was left empty by the detained person and it was their sole or main residence, it will usually be exempt. This means no Council Tax will be charged whilst they are detained.

If one adult remains at the property, a 25% discount will be applied as you are classed a single person until the detained person returns home.

Apply now