Apply for money off Council Tax if you are an apprentice or youth trainee
An apprentice is someone, regardless of age, who:
- is employed to learn a trade or profession
- is undertaking a training program leading to a qualification accredited by the National Council for Vocational Qualifications
The disregard applies only if:
- the person is employed with a salary of no more than £195 per week
- the salary is substantially less than is likely to be received if the qualification is achieved
Youth trainees
A youth trainee is someone who is both:
- under the age of 25 years old
- undertaking training as part of an approved training scheme where arrangements have been made under section 2 of the Employment and Training Act 1973
Evidence required
You will need to provide a contract of employment or letter from your employer to confirm your apprenticeship or training course.
The contract or letter needs to show:
- the name of the course
- the course dates
Apply for money off Council Tax
Apply by emailing [email protected] with your details and the evidence above.