How to create an online account for Council Tax

Where to register

Go to our 'View or manage your Council Tax account online' webpage.

Select the green 'Register or log in now' button.

You will then see our Customer Access portal for Council Tax.

Select 'register here'.

Using our Customer Access portal to register for an account

Entering your details and account number

Select either 'Organisation' or 'Person'.

Enter the name showing on your bill

If we only have an initial or have accidentally misspelled your name, enter the name exactly as it appears on the bill.

If it is not an exact match to what we have on your account, you will not be able to register.

Once you're registered and logged in, you can add your first name and amend any spelling mistakes.

Enter your Council Tax account number as shown on your bill.

Select the green 'Next' button.

Entering your details and Council Tax account number into our register form on the customer portal

Confirming your identity

Confirm your identity by inputting your Online Key and your postcode as shown on your latest bill or recovery notice.

If you have supplied your telephone number or have set up a Direct Debit already then you may use one of these options to confirm your identity. These will need to match exactly what we hold on your account.

Confirming your identity with your online key and current postcode

Setting up your login details

Enter your email address and confirm it , you can request paper billing on this page. You will be emailed when a bill has been issued so that you can sign in to view it.

Next, create a username and password for your online account.

Choosing a username and password

Usernames must have no spaces and contain:

  • letters
  • digits
  • a special character

Passwords must have no spaces and contain at least:

  • 12 characters
  • one capital letter
  • one number
  • one special character

Read the terms and conditions, selecting the tick box to show that you agree.

Select the green 'Submit' button once you are finished.

Logging into your new account

Once you have successfully submitted your request, you will receive an activation email. Click the link in the email 'Click here to activate your account' within 24 hours.

You can then view your account online by signing in with your new credentials.

If you ever forget your details you can select 'Forgotten your username?' or 'Forgotten your password?'