Make your business more energy efficient
To be more energy efficient:
- turn off lights when not in use
- replace standard light bulbs with compact LED lamps
- upgrade older T12 lamps with more efficient T8 lamps with solid-state electronic ballasts
- install sensors in locations to turn off when no one is present and on when people return
Heating and air conditioning
When it's cold:
- adjust the thermostat to as low as is comfortable, the room will not heat up quicker just because the thermostat is turned to its highest setting
- do not use extra electric heaters, they are expensive and can also be a fire hazard
- keep curtains or blinds open at windows that face the sun to heat your office with solar radiation and reduce the pressure on your heating system
- ensure heaters and vents are not blocked by furniture or other items
- adjust your dress code according to the weather
When it's warm:
- keep curtains or blinds closed to block direct sunlight from heating the building during warm days
- open the windows in the evening
- keep areas in front of vents clear
- keep external doors closed when the building’s air-con is on
Office equipment
To save energy when using office equipment, you should:
- unplug battery chargers and any machines when not in use
- use ‘stand-by’ features to turn off computers and monitors to reduce annual costs from £50 to £15, and this may also prolong the lifespan of the equipment
- upgrade to laptops, they use less energy than desktops
- always keep the AC adapter connected to a laptop, or unplug it when not needed for charging, to maximise savings
- ensure equipment is off at night, weekends, and during holidays, even if you switch something to ‘stand by’ or ‘hibernation’ modes it will still use a small amount of energy
Essential maintenance
You should:
- book your HVAC inspection at the beginning of heating and cooling season
- ensure your air conditioning is adjusted both for heating and cooling, winter set to between 18°C and 21°C and summer set to 22°C
- consider installing solar screens or solar films to your windows
- plant vegetation around the buildings as this can keep them cool
- avoid heating and cooling areas that are not frequently used
Empower your staff
You should:
- make sure that everyone knows that saving energy will help the company, and ask your colleagues for their ideas on how you could all save energy
- display posters, internal messaging and quick facts sharing energy saving tips
- appoint a green ambassador within your company
Further information
More information on sustainability legislation for business can be found on the following websites:
See tips and advice for commercial waste and recycling.