Climate Change and Air Quality Progress Report 2022 to 2023

climate change hero image


Guidance on climate change and sustainability for procurement

The Climate Response Team engage with services to provide advice on the procurement of goods and services with regard to climate change and sustainability matters. One example of this was the provision of guidance to Leisure Services.

Organic cotton workwear has also been procured for Domestic Resource Efficiency Officers.

Climate change awareness and carbon literacy training

Since adoption of the CCAQS a total of 24 Officers and Members have received and completed Carbon Literacy Training with an external organisation certified by the Carbon Literacy Project. In June 2023 Buckinghamshire Council attended the annual Carbon Literacy Project Awards to celebrate our certification as a Bronze tier Carbon Literate Organisation.

Training sessions for a further 30 individuals have been booked and an officer will undergo masterclass training, equipping them to deliver training in-house to our members and staff.

The Carbon Literacy Awards in Manchester

The Carbon Literacy Awards in Manchester

Internal communications and behaviour change

The council have encouraged staff to adopt more sustainable behaviours through a variety of means including:

  • staff vlog about reducing single use plastic consumption (see Action 60) (July 2023)
  • promotion of two new e-bike schemes launched in Bucks via the Council wide weekly update newsletter (July 2023)
  • a range of tips to reduce food waste including a competition with prizes during Food Waste Action Week (March 2023)
  • promotion of the Cycle to Work Scheme “Get cycling this Spring” (Feb. 2023)
  • two part staff blog about sustainable fashion and how to “buy new sustainably” (Nov – Dec 2022)
  • volunteering opportunities for tree planting promoted by internal newsletter (October 2022)

Sustainable fashion blog

Staff Vlog - Millie’s journey one year later reducing single-use plastic