Climate Change and Air Quality Progress Report 2022 to 2023

climate change hero image

Health and communications

Monitoring personal exposure to air quality pollutants

On Clean Air Day 15 June 2023, Ricardo, in conjunction with Buckinghamshire Council, used air quality sensors to undertake monitoring between The Gateway Office and the Walton Street Office in Aylesbury. Two different routes were walked, one along Gatehouse and Friarage Roads [through the Friarage Road Air Quality Management Area (AQMA)], and one on quieter back roads and through White Hill Park.

The aim was to investigate how changing your route may affect the quality of the air you breathe. The initial data obtained showed a significant difference in exposure to nitrogen dioxide between the two routes, see graph below.

The data obtained is currently being processed and validated and once available will be used to illustrate how people can manage their own exposure to air quality pollutants simply by altering the routes they walk. The findings will also be promoted to internal staff and to the community through the ‘Clean Up Our Air’ initiative.

A social media post about Clean Air Day

A graph showing the difference in nitrogen dioxide exposure when walking on a quiet street compared to along the A41

National Tree Week Campaign

During National Tree Week (26 Nov. to 4 Dec. 2022) we ran a focussed media campaign to celebrate and raise awareness of the vital role that trees play in our eco- system. This included social media highlighting our “Tree Giveaway Day” (see Action 27 for further detail), and an opportunity for volunteers to help plant trees and shrubs along the Platinum Park Way. The campaign concluded with a video published on social media to highlight all the events of a packed schedule and raise awareness of the Bucks Climate Challenge:

A tweet from @BucksCouncil promoting National Tree Week

Have yourself a “Green” Christmas

The Council ran a campaign promoting a “Green Christmas” through social media channels. A series of “top tips” were shared over a three week period in November and December 2022. The advice was also featured in a 2-page spread within the “Hiya Bucks” magazine.

A social media post from Buckinghamshire Recycles promoting a 'Green Christmas'

#EarthDay 2023

A series of posts were placed in social media to mark Earth Day 2023 (22 April). These highlighted the annual theme “Invest in Our Planet”, our commitment to plant 543,000 trees in a decade, the 30% increase in public charge points across car parks in Bucks and our commitment to encouraging active travel through local cycling and walking infrastructure, to name but a few!

A tweet from @BucksCouncil promoting Earth Day

The total number of impressions, across all platforms, from the four posts celebrating earth day was over 25,000.

#NetZeroWeek and Plastic Free July Social Media Campaign

To mark NetZeroWeek and the first week of Plastic Free July, Millie reprised her role from last year, sharing a series of Vlogs (Video Blogs) about her journey reducing single-use plastic in her day to day life – picking up a journey we reported on in last year’s Progress Report:

We also highlighted the launch of two new e-bike schemes in Buckinghamshire and celebrated our Bronze Carbon Literacy Award. Over the whole of NetZeroWeek, our posts made a total of 30,000 impressions across all platforms - X (formerly Twitter), Facebook and Instagram.