Climate Change and Air Quality Progress Report 2023 to 2024

Progress against Aim 2

Improve air quality across Buckinghamshire pursuant to achieving national air quality objectives

The majority of Buckinghamshire already meets the Air Quality Objectives (AQOs) for nitrogen dioxide (NO2). As shown in Figure 8 - Figure 10 there has also been a consistent reduction in recorded levels of NO2 at most monitoring locations for the last five years (2019 -2023). In addition, monitoring data in four of the nine Air Quality Management Areas (AQMAs) has been comfortably below the annual mean objective for NO2 for five years or more. It is also noted that the concentrations have not returned to those levels seen before the COVID-19 pandemic.

In 2023, there was a general decrease in concentrations recorded at most monitoring locations, with a few exceptions, which is in line with the national trend. In addition, air quality monitoring undertaken in 2023 showed that there were no exceedances of the annual mean nitrogen dioxide objective of 40 μg/m3.

Results from new monitoring locations set up in January 2023 have not been included in the graphs.

Figure 7: Annual Mean Nitrogen Dioxide Concentrations Recorded in Chesham AQMA

Figure 8: Annual Mean Nitrogen Dioxide Concentrations Recorded in Friarage Road, Tring Road and Stoke Road AQMAs in Aylesbury

Figure 9: Annual Mean Nitrogen Dioxide Concentrations Recorded in High Wycombe & Marlow AQMAs

Figure 10: Annual Mean Nitrogen Dioxide Concentrations Recorded in South Buckinghamshire AQMAs

Data is missing for diffusion tube W4 Abbey Accommodation, Abbey School, Marlow Hill, High Wycombe as the site was not accessible during the COVID-19 pandemic. Monitoring resumed in 2022.