Climate Change and Air Quality Progress Report 2023 to 2024
Progress against Objective B
Support communities to achieve net zero carbon emissions
As a Council we work with a range of different stakeholders to enable communities to make progress towards a net zero future. Here are just a few highlights of our work in this area:
- Local Authority Treescapes Fund Round 3 award of £264k secured for community tree planting across Buckinghamshire
- Working with Buckinghamshire Community Energy to progress the Wendover Wharf Road Campus Decarbonisation project
- Introducing more and better quality active travel routes (e.g. the recently opened extension to the Waddesdon Greenway [1])
- Promoting a second round of the solar PV system group-purchasing (Solar Together) scheme for resident and small business owner occupiers
- Energy Doctors visiting eligible homes to provide advice on behavioural and control changes, and install low cost easy retrofit resource efficiency (LCERRE) measures, to reduce energy and water consumption, costs, and carbon emissions
- Working with the Greater South East Net Zero Hub to deliver the Home Upgrade Grant 2 scheme in Bucks
- Issuing a quarterly Climate Change Newsletter with over 100 regular readers
- Providing a new Domestic Building Envelope Energy Efficiency (DBEEE) grant to help residents improve the energy performance of their homes
Further details are provided in the ‘Activities against Actions’ section, and we've highlighted which parts are stakeholder-based work.